Assertiveness Questionnaire

Scale your Assertiveness


Assertiveness Questionnaire

before we understand Assertive Selling, we should  where we are, so lets start with Assertiveness Questionnaire


Indicate how comfortable you feel in each of the following situations.

Score 1 if you feel very uncomfortable

المزيد من المشاركات

2 if you feel slightly uncomfortable

3 if you feel reasonably comfortable

4 if you feel very comfortable


Enter 1, 2, 3 or 4
1- Asking for the service you expect when you haven’t received it in a shop or restaurant
 2- Expressing anger when you are angry
 3- Receiving a compliment and saying something to acknowledge that you agree
 4- Discussing another person’s criticism of you openly with them
 5- Speaking up in front of a group
 6- Telling a friend that they are doing something that bothers you
  7 – Requesting the return of a borrowed item without apology
 8 – Initiating a conversation with a stranger
 9 – Telling an acquaintance that you like him or her
  10 -Returning a defective item to a shop or restaurant
 11- Asking a favour of someone
 12 – Turning down a request for a meeting or date
 13 – Admitting to either fear or ignorance
 14 – Asking for and accepting constructive criticism
 15 – Saying ‘no’ to someone without being apologetic
 16 – Telling a friend exactly how you feel
 17 – Arguing with another person
 18 – Touching a colleague or friend affectionately
 19 – Treating yourself or doing something just for you
 20 – Refusing a friend a favour when you don’t want to do it

How assertive are you?


How do you think you would have responded in these situations?

To get a better idea of how comfortable you are being assertive in a variety of situations,

If you get a score of above 60 you probably have pretty good assertiveness skills, but beware, you may be being aggressive without realising.

If you score below 60 you will probably benefit from practicing your assertiveness skills.



لعمل مقياس اخر وقياس باقي Assertive Passive Aggressive
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